Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Visting Lavenhop organic grower

With summer starting through full tilt, our chefs took the opportunity
to visit our organic growers' farm. Lavenhop, supplying Europa Inn now for
the second season, invited us to visit the fields and getting hands-on
by picking their organic garlic scapes. the picking is crucial in order to harvest big garlic bulbs in the fall.
the Scapes are delicate early summer veg, make a fantastic pesto and taste great as a sautee.
So, here we set off at 7am with a 3 chefs and me (Simone, the picture-taker ;-)
and our 3 kids (yep, good that our car seats 8 people).
We all had a super time meeting Jackie and Bill and their great operation!
they grow this year 30!! different varieties of vegetables and herbs, from Lavender,
Greens, Beans, Peas, Potatoes and more.
Last year their Hop and Lavender was used in one of Ale House Brewery's specialty Beer creations:
'Lavenhop' they called it!
Markus is now all ready to finish our garden in the back where we grow most
of the herbs used Europa Restaurant along with some vegtables. the space is not big
enough to grow everything- that's why we are so happy to team up with Lavenhop!
 our two youngster sniffing and touching the lavender, just starting to bloom!
 wildflowers  make the artist in me happy!

Lavenhop T-shirts for all!
thanks Jackie and Bill for a great day out in the country!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Atlanticade Motorbike Festival

Welcome all bikers to St. Andrews!
for the second time the Atlantic Canadian Motorbike Festival
'Atlanticade' is meeting in St. Andrews by-the-Sea.
From July 6th-July10th thousands of Motorcyclists are making
their way to our beautiful little town to celebrate their passion.
from all over Canada and the US we have seen Bikers in the past.
Workshops, guided tours by local bikers, specialized Vendors, Competitions from 'show and shine' to
'parcours', live entertainment and much, much more!
if you are in the area, please stop by and look at the wonderfully polished Chrome
lining our streets!
Europa Inn is offering a Special '7 course bikin' tasting menu' for 55$- this weekend only; bookings are coming in fast- so please reserve your spot today!
We are happy to welcome the Festival and hope for a third Return in 2012!
this was during the first evening- wednesday- the parcours view from Europa Inn first floor deck
this was the second evening- thursday just before the bikers returned to St. Andrews....